Monday, February 23, 2009

Holy Shit Yes


Adam Desaulniers said...

roads, where we're going we don't need roads...except the highway to get us there

lizzie said...

didn't i say there was one of those hideous things parked outside our house the other day?! maybe it's the same one.

OctopusArms said...


try, etrenally beautiful with a scale of grandeur that could never be met by another manufacturer for teh rest of human existence.

lizzie said...


OctopusArms said...


cookie said...

omg is that a delorion (sp?)

Sheila said...

i saw that exact car on dobbin yesterday

OctopusArms said...

Cookie you get 100 Bonus Points for knowing the car's name, Sheila you get 200 Bonus Points for seeing it in person, and Liz...well, you FAIL.